SURA Email Marketing UI Kit

Client SURA Asset Management

vista kit ui mailing SURA

SURA Asset Management

Sura Asset Management is a company specialized in saving and investment, a subsidiary
of the Group SURA, with presence in Chile, Colombia, México, Perú, Uruguay and El Salvador.

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Our challenge was to carry out research to establish design guidelines for emailing, both for email marketing and transactional emails, devising a design system (UI KIT) for email communications that followed the SURA brand manual and industry best practice.

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We designed a visual system for the different businesses, based on a conceptualisation, design and testing process with users in 5 different countries and with customers of the different SURA companies. This led to a digital product called the Email Marketing UI KIT, which laid down the technical foundations of how companies should design their email communications.

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Besides the generation of the Email Marketing UI KIT, the project scaled up and incorporated a SaaS platform to design and develop HTML templates called Stripo, giving work teams of different companies and countries full autonomy when developing their own HTML content, integrating in most cases with their existing mass emailing platforms.

Using UI KIT + Stripo for HTML design managed to reduce the template generation time from 24-48 hours to 2 hours at the most.

Within 18 months, 10 countries have already started using UI KIT + Stripo in 22 different companies across the region.

“This project posed a very important challenge for the company, because it involved unifying our design and communication criteria, as well as the tone and style, of all e-mail marketing communications. We initially focused on one business group, but due to the project’s success, we decided to expand it to the other businesses in each country. Ilógica helped us to approach this project in an agile and synchronized manner, letting us achieve total impact.”

Debora Starocelsky, Deputy Marketing Manager SURA Asset Management.

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Salesforce integration

We integrated Stripo with Salesforce’s Marketing Cloud to allow direct template exports for fast and efficient email campaign setup.

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Monitoring and analytics

In addition to the functional project, we used UTM marks to carry out a complete campaign marking and smart use of hyperlinks in the campaigns.

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Support and continuous improvement

The project also envisages a full mentoring service for the teams in 10 countries of the region to monitor the correct usage of the UI Kit and the Stripo platform.

notebook y smartphone con un email de SURA

SURA Email Marketing UI Kit

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